EQE study materials

Now, in 2020 there are so many materials out there that we can use during our preparation for EQE. I decided to collect the ones that I like the most and plan to use in the next months.
I hope that it will help you as well!

I was never someone who can just sit and read hundreds of pages. I prefer studying by answering questions using my EPC reference book. If something comes up that is not completely clear for me, I check that specific part in the Guidelines. I feel like I learn much more this way, and I actually enjoy studying like this.

However, we are all different. If you can stay focused during reading and you can study that way, you could try reading the EPO Guidelines. It has every information that you will need during the EQE.


The links below will point you mostly to questions or quizzes, because that is how I prefer to study.

  1. EPO courses on e-courses.epo.org:

    Guide to EQE papers A, B, C and D (This is just information about the papers.)
    Daily D questions (12-week-long course between 28 September and 18 December 2020)
    Time limit questions

  2. DeltaPatents books with many questions and answers:
    Basic Legal Questions for Pre-Exam and Paper D
    Main Exam Questions for Paper D

  3. Previous papers - definitely the most important:
    Paper A
    Paper B
    Paper C
    Paper D

  4. PCT materials:
    PCT Applicant’s Guide
    WIPO's "Learn the PCT" video playlist on youtube (29 short videos, each 10-18 minutes long)
    PCT Distance Learning Course

  5. EPO Coffee break questions

  6. EPO Mock papers:

    Mock Paper A
    Mock Paper B

  7. A website prepared by an enthusiastic team of EQE tutors:

    https://practiceeqe.com (it is relatively new, has minor bugs, but is very useful)

Using my main reference book

No matter which course, quiz or paper I read or try to answer, I always have my Hoekstra reference book next to me. I believe that it has 99% of the information needed for the exam, I just have to be able to find everything quickly. I have been using it for more than a year now. Anytime I cannot find something or I do not understand something in it, I add my own notes to its margins with a pencil. This way, I can rely on the book more and more.

I do not think there will be space and/or time during the exam to use more books. So, my goal is to use my reference book as often as possible during my preparations in order to get used to it as much as possible.

My annotated Hoekstra reference book

My annotated Hoekstra reference book

I am using Jelle Hoekstra’s reference book: LINK
Many people prefer Derk Visser’s book: LINK

What do you think?

Let me know in the comments which materials you prefer.


Concerns regarding the online EQE


My 6-month study plan for EQE