How to keep your sanity during the EQE preparation

Firstly, let me start by giving you a virtual high five and saying how great you are!

Preparing for the EQE is an undeniably difficult task that requires a lot of time. Believe me, not many people have to take an exam in their adult life that is at least somewhat similar to the EQE. And, EQE consists of four exams… Studying while also having a full-time job (and I am not even talking about family here), thus spending all of your free time with the EQE is really hard and requires tremendous amount of willpower. What’s more, most of us, candidates do this in a foreign language.

Maybe your colleagues or boss do not say this to you enough, so I will: You are incredibly smart and hardworking! Please stop for a minute and really let this message soak in.

My next very important point is that there are many things in life that are more important than the EQE. Your health (both mental and physical) and family are such things. Do not forget this no matter how busy you are.

So, even if you do not pass for the first time, which is true for most candidates, it is OK. If your employer has problems with this, or you get fired because of this, maybe you work for the wrong company.

And now, back to the topic of this article. What can you do to keep your sanity under this much pressure?

You probably know what are the most important and enjoyable activities for you. Please, do not give up those things! In fact, in my opinion, you should do each of them every single week.

Here are my suggestions for the next months:

  1. Talk regularly with other EQE candidates who are going through the same as you
    EQE preparation courses are a good place to get to know other EQE candidates. (Although, during these strange Covid times, unfortunately everything is online…)

  2. Have a study plan
    Prepare a study plan for the months you have until the EQE. Include sufficient legal questions and previous exams. Leave the exams of the last years (2018, 2019) for the last month, if you can, because those exams will be the most similar to your exam.
    By having a plan, you do not have to think about what you are going to study each day. You can just simply follow your plan and you will have time for everything.

  3. Don’t stress too much about how many books you should read
    If you ever read EPO’s guide “European qualifying examination - Guide for preparation”, you might have seen the long list of literature you are suggested to study. I will deliberately not insert a link to the Guide, you do not have to see it. Most people I talked to, passed without reading those books (such as Case Law), since doing previous Papers is more important.

  4. Eat good and healthy meals that nourish your brain as well
    I am aware that this sounds cliche, but I did notice that any time I tried doing a Paper without having a big breakfast beforehand, I made a lot more mistakes.

  5. Exercise
    Whatever type of exercise you do, it will refresh your brain and body and will boost your studying.

  6. Spend some time in nature
    Even if it is just a 30-minute-walk, it will make wonders to your soul.

  7. Meditation
    Every now and then try to slow down and just breath. Or meditate. And don’t forget that you are intelligent and smart. You can do this, because you are working very hard.

And, finally, let me tell you my infinite weapon.:) I have no idea if this theory has an official name, but I call it the positive circle that will help you defeat almost anything in your professional life.

You have probably realized already that you do something more often if you like it. Moreover, you become better at something if you do it more often. If you are good at something, you will enjoy it even more. As a result, you will do it even more often, and you become even greater. The lesson is: try to enjoy your preparation for the EQE. Do the previous exams as if you were solving a complex patent puzzle.:) And keep in mind that you are doing this for yourself, your knowledge will improve and you will be able to assist your clients better.

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Maybe some of you will think that this article was kind of stupid. However, I strongly believe that mental preparation is at least as important as studying. Furthermore, it is important to enjoy everything you do.

Please let me know in the comments what your main struggle is and how you stay motivated.

I wish you all the best with your preparations and good luck with the EQE!


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